I have a very special guest with me today Jaida all the way from …wait for it….London! For real. She’s there and we’re here. And since we’re talking a lot about the fab city, I thought she would be the perfect person to chat with. So, without further ado, I want to introduce Socialite Jaida.IMG_3851

Cindy: So, why are you living in London?
Jaida: Because my dad has a new job here.

Cindy: Is this your first time in London?
Jaida: No we came here for a visit before my dad accepted the job.

Cindy: What are some of your first impressions?
Jaida: The accents are cool and interesting and it’s a big city. I think I like the London suburbs better. We live in Windsor, which is also home of the Queen and it’s quite lovely.

Cindy: What have you noticed about fashion styles?
Jaida: They are ahead in fashion with some things but can also be behind as well. They wear some clothes that seem outdated

Cindy: What is your favorite new British expression?
Jaida: My favourite expression is “Do you Chips with that?”

Cindy: Do they love One Direction as much as we do in the US?
Jaida: Oh yes they love One Direction and I think more than we do in the US

Cindy: What’s on your hit list of things to visit and do?
Jaida: I want to travel and see different countries around Europe since everything is so close.

Cindy: Thanks so much for being with us today, Jaida.

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